Sunday, June 19, 2011
Hebrew - Moi?
Monday, May 9, 2011
63 Reasons
- Everyone has two birthdays, a Gregorian and a Jewish one.
- In some years, there is as much as a month between the two birthdays. We call this period the birthday 'Chol Hamoed' (a term used for the intermediary days of Passover and Sukkot), and reserve the right to celebrate anytime.
- There is only one possible three-day holiday. In Israel, only the first and last days of Pesach and Sukkot are chagim (holidays) and not the first and last two days, as is the case everywhere else in the world. The only holiday that is two days is Rosh Hashana, so when it falls on Thursday and Friday, we add Shabbat and have a three-day holiday. We never have to worry about Sukkot or Pesach. Which means that
- We have only one seder. If there is no other reason to live in Israel, this is it. We have one seder on Pesach and finished.
- Jewish holidays are national holidays. We don't have to ask for extra time off work, or to postpone exams for Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur or Pesach, or for Shabbat for that matter. The country shuts down automatically.
- It is understood that you will take off from work on the day your child is drafted into the army.
- Israel is such a small country that it is possible to visit many different places in a short time.
- It's even possible to literally walk the country’s length and breadth.
- Not only is it possible to walk Israel's length and breadth, it's considered a mitzvah to do so. During vacation times, attractions, holy and historic sites, walking trails, and nature reserves are clogged with people touring, visiting, picnicking and enjoying.
- Falafel is available everywhere, all the time. And it's cheap.
- Ice cream is available everywhere, most of the time. It's still an Israeli trait not to eat ice cream in the winter. This quaint trait, however, is changing.
- Pita and laffa (Iraqi bread) are considered staple foods and are available in any supermarket.
- Supermarkets are kosher and are closed on Shabbat. Those few shops that provide non-kosher food (usually meats and shellfish) have signs on them proclaiming they are not kosher.
- The sunsets are not only beautiful, but mark, not the end of another day, but the beginning of a new one.
- Snow days are almost national holidays. It's a given that if snow falls anywhere in the country, people are going to take the day and go visit it.
- Snow days are very rare. Even after living here for so many years, I really don't miss the snow.
- From May to October, you can plan any event outdoors and not worry about it being rained out.
- The Hoopoe is Israel's national bird – not the mosquito.
- The Hoopoe, like all things Israeli, comes with its own history. It is said to have carried King Solomon's invitation to the Queen of Sheba to visit Jerusalem. The rest, as they say, is history.
- Neot Kedumim, a park located not far from Jerusalem, is dedicated to educating Israelis about the natural flora of Israel. All plants and trees mentioned in the Bible have been planted there, often in the same arrangements as recorded. This gives one an idea of what was meant when in Sefer VaYikra (Leviticus) it is said that the Kohen is to take the 'cedar of Lebanon and the hyssop'…
- The Jerusalem zoo is home to all the animals mentioned in the Bible (along with many that aren't).
- The shoemaker to whom I take my shoes to fix is one of the liberators of Beer Sheva who fought in the War of Independence in 1948-49.
- Heroes are everywhere and dress up as ordinary people.
- After the liberation of Beer Sheva in 1949, the first park that was built was called Allenby Park, named after Field Marshal Edmund Allenby, who liberated the city from the Turks during the First World War in 1917.
- Every year, there is a ceremony in Beer Sheva on October 31 marking ANZAC day. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Armed Corps. October 31 is the day that Allenby and his troops, made up of Australians and New Zealanders, liberated Beer Sheva.
- A few years ago, Allenby Park was re-dedicated and a new statue of Allenby was unveiled. Not only did the British ambassador come for the ceremony, so did Edmund Allenby’s grandson and family.
- Israeli universities have a second sitting for all exams. This practice was adopted for those students who had army reserve duty during the first exam period.
- During the Lebanon War in 1982, a third exam sitting was implemented, for those students who missed both the first and second sittings due to the war.
- When my son was in the army, I sent out an email on the Beer Sheva email list requesting information on where to find some equipment he requested I buy. Not only did I receive dozens of replies with the information, I also received offers to borrow the equipment, or even just to take it for free.
- Many of those emails also included words along the line of “I am including your son in my daily prayers for the welfare of our soldiers”.
- Some of those people who added my son to their prayers needed to first ask me his name, as they were complete strangers. But that didn’t matter because
- Soldiers, no matter their age, are everybody’s children.
- A lecturer in one of the colleges was fired when he did not admit a student in army uniform to his class. It was a unanimous decision.
- Various presidents, prime ministers, and members of Knesset speak (or spoke) Hebrew with a foreign accent.
- When people comment on my accent I mention the above to them. It always makes them smile.
- When there was a chance that the Israeli national basketball team might qualify to play in the European championship this year, a national debate ensued as to whether or not they should play. The final game of the championship was scheduled for the evening of Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Remembrance Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism). It seemed inappropriate to play a championship game on that night.
- The Europeans agreed that if Israel did qualify to play in the final game, they would move the game to the afternoon hours, so it would finish before sunset and not conflict with Remembrance Day. The Israeli team did qualify, and the game was moved to the afternoon.
- The Israeli team agreed that if they won the championship, there would be no celebrating that night. (They lost anyway…)
- In previous years, Israel has not participated in the Eurovision Song Contest because it was held on Yom HaZikaron.
- Verses from the Bible or the commentators have become idioms in everyday Hebrew. Rashi’s “What’s the sabbatical year to Mt. Sinai?” roughly translates to “what’s that got to do with the price of tea in China?”
- In Hebrew, anything outside of Israel is called precisely that; outside of Israel. As in “she went to outside of Israel for a vacation.”
- Part of the state education curriculum is trips to various areas of the country.
- Most schools have a siddur (prayer book) party at the end of Grade one, celebrating the children’s ability to read from the siddur.
- Most schools also have a chumash (Bible) party at the end of Grade 2, celebrating the children’s ability to learn Torah.
- My children’s schools took the kids to Jerusalem for their chumash party. What better place to celebrate learning Torah?
- Streets in Israel are often named after Jewish and Israeli figures.
- In Beer Sheva, each neighborhood has a theme for its street names. In one neighborhood, all the streets are named for animals found in Israel, another for pre-state historical figures, while in my neighborhood all the streets are named for places in Israel.
- The main street in my neighborhood is Jerusalem Street.
- There is one older neighborhood where each street is named for one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
- When that neighborhood grew and more names were needed, the new street was given the name Osnat. Osnat was the wife of Joseph, son of Jacob.
- If a street is named after a person, the street sign often comes with little explanations of who the person was. Explanations such as “medieval Jewish commentator,” “Supreme court judge,” and “Chief Rabbi of the IDF” make walking down the street an educational experience.
- When there is a pigua (terrorist attack) or a grad missile attack, the phone lines crash within five minutes. This is because everyone across the country is phoning everyone to make sure everyone is ok.
- It is not unusual for thousands of people to attend a funeral of a terror victim or a soldier killed in battle.
- It is also not unusual for thousands of people to visit the families of a terror victim or a soldier during the shiva period.
- It is also not unusual for thousands of people to pray for the quick recovery of wounded soldiers or terror victims or send presents or even come visit.
- Then, when a family of a killed or wounded soldier or terror victim celebrates a wedding or a birth or a bar mitzvah, thousands of people follow their simcha and rejoice with them. This is because
- Kol hayehudim eravim zeh lazeh. All Jews are responsible for each other, in sorrow and in joy.
- Flowers are everywhere. All year round.
- Ben-Gurion University, where I work, is a world leader in research in water use, de-desertification, and agriculture.
- One of the smaller BGU campuses in the city is dotted with experimental fruits, sabra plants, and one-of-a-kind trees.
- When asked, our very secular neighbor happily joins us to make a tenth in a minyan.
- We know when mincha (afternoon prayers) is on Shabbat at the neighborhood synagogue by watching for groups of men walking down the street.
- My children are all sabras.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Grad Redux
Thursday, February 24, 2011
In the Middle of the Middle East
"Isn't it funny," I said to nobody in particular, "Libya is being blown up, Egypt is imploding, half the other countries in the Middle East are falling apart, and here I am, in the middle of the Middle East, going off to book-club! I'm so glad I live in Israel and not a dangerous country!"
And, indeed, off I went to discuss Flannery O'Connor and, ironically, her collection of short stories A Good Man is Hard to Find, which can be rather relevant in this area of the world.
In the midst of our heated discussion about Southern racism and anti-Catholicism, we were interrupted by the very loud wail of a missile warning siren. The rising and falling tones of the siren are unmistakable. Everyone around the table was an experienced Israeli; we all knew what the siren indicated. However, for long seconds we all just looked at each other and didn't move. The hostess finally jumped up and ushered everyone into her bomb shelter with a "there should be room for everyone".
We filed into the shelter, which – like almost everyone’s – held a washer, dryer, freezer, boxes of clothes, and assorted tools. We managed to find room between the washing machine and the freezer. We stood quietly, waiting for the siren to end and listening for the BOOM. After what seemed like a long while (but really wasn’t – especially if you are running to a shelter from, say, a parking lot), the siren ended, followed a few seconds later by the BOOM. It was a very loud BOOM, as it happened. The explosion was obviously not very far away.
Emerging from the shelter a minute later, all of us went straight for the cell phones. But nobody could get through. One of the more exasperating phenomena after any pigua (terrorist attack) in Israel is that all the cellular phone lines crash almost immediately from overuse. Because everyone needs to phone everyone, it ends up that you can't phone anyone, which, obviously, only exacerbates the panic.
I got through to my family a few minutes later, however, on a land line. Everyone was fine, my daughter told me but the BOOM had been very very loud, and the windows and walls had shaken. As I got off the phone, my hostess was busy texting her husband who was still at work at the University. "All ok," she wrote, "good news is that nine people fit into the shelter."
Book-club fizzled out soon after. It was a little hard to concentrate on post-war America while fearing that we might, once again, be pre-war.
As I parked the car outside my house, I was finally able to get through to one son, and I told him how close the Grad had fallen. "Hey, cool," was all he said. So much for panic.
Upon entering the house and reporting breathlessly that there was a ton of police down the street (nothing like adding to the drama), my husband announced in true Israeli fashion "let's go see!!"
So, armed with a cell phone equipped with a camera, we marched off to go see a bombed house.
The closer we got to the area, the more confusion there was. Dozens of people were milling in the street, an ambulance was trying to back out a narrow passage blocked with gawkers, and a fire truck was double parked down the block. By the time we got close to the site, most of the excitement was over, and people were packing up their picnic baskets and going home. The street was full of glass from blasted windows, and it crunched beneath our feet. We could see shrapnel damage on the face of one house on the street and damage to a fence near a different house. Disliking the feeling of glass under my feet, I turned to go home before seeing the house that had actually taken the hit, but Martin went further. He was able to actually see and photograph - gasp - a hole in the ground.

What is miraculous, however, is that it wasn't much worse. The missile had fallen in a yard (hence the hole in the ground) and not directly on the house. There had been nobody outside, though it was a warm evening. In addition, the missile fell in a neighborhood where every house, by law, has a 'protected room' or shelter. In other, older neighborhoods, there are neighborhood shelters, rather than private ones, and most of those are locked up.
Five meters in any direction and that one missile had the capacity of killing and wounding at least twenty people .
But we all know that here in Israel miracles happen.
And this is why I'm so happy to be living here, in the middle of the Middle East.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Happy Chanuka!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
An Israeli Thanksgiving
Last night, for the first time, I had a taste of American Thanksgiving. Being Canadian-born, and having spent two thirds of my life in Israel, I have very little feeling for the American Thanksgiving. No, sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, I have NO feeling at all for the American thanksgiving, other than the fact that I’m thankful I’m Canadian.
I’m also very thankful that at least one of my prime ministers is a man of principles, and stands by his word. Go Stephen Harper, my new superhero.
Whenever I officially think of giving thanks, the first thing that comes to mind is this book I read a long time ago, but stayed in my head, called the Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. Corrie was a Christian Dutch woman, who was sent to Ravensbruck Concentration Camp with her sister for hiding Jews in her home in a small town in Holland. After the war, she wrote a book about her experiences, and was honored by Yad VaShem as a righteous gentile.
In her book, she describes her time in the camps. She and her sister would lead prayer groups with the other prisoners, where they would give thanks for whatever they could. One day, her sister, leading the group, gave thanks for the friends they had made, for being together with her sister, and then thanked G-d for the fleas they were infested with. The fleas, of course, were a source of typhus and other diseases. Corrie protested this inclusion. “How can you thank G-d for fleas!!” she asked. But her sister insisted, “Yes, we must thank G-d for everything He gives us.”
Later on, Corrie discovered that the reason they were able to carry on with their prayer meetings was that the German guards didn’t want to come near them because the place was infested with fleas.
In this week’s Parsha VaYeshev, we read the story of how the 10 sons of Yaakov decide to sell their brother Yosef and he is taken as a slave to Egypt.
It’s written “And they (the 10 sons) sat down to eat bread, (after throwing Yosef in a deep pit with the thought of leaving him there to die) and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and behold, a company of Yishme'alim came from Gilad with their camels carrying aromatic gum, balm, and ladanum, going to carry it down to Egypt".
It is to this caravan of Yishmaelim that the brothers sell Yosef instead of leaving him in the pit.
Now, we know that the Torah never wastes words. It doesn’t believe in descriptions to make more interesting reading. There is a reason that the Torah tells us what the camels that are going to take Yosef to Egypt are carrying. They are carrying aromatic gum, balm, and ladanum. (I looked up what ladanum is in the dictionary – in case anyone was wondering. It’s the juice extracted from certain rose plants and used to make perfume.)
We know that Yosef’s sale to the Yishmaelim is the first part of a divine plan. We know that he goes to Egypt so that he can eventually attain a position in which he is able to save his family from famine. We know that G-d wants the sons of Yaakov to come to Egypt. G-d’s plan is for Bnei Yisrael to become slaves, leave Egypt as a nation, and receive His Torah and be brought to the Land as a nation. We know this, but Yosef doesn’t.
So the Torah tells us that the caravans were full of aromatic gum, balm, and perfume. This is a hint to Yosef that he is not alone in his troubles. The caravans could have been full of chickens, or fertilizer, or old boots. But they were full of perfume, making his dark journey into slavery just a little easier, a little brighter. It’s a message to Yosef, and to us, that G‑d is with us even when we don’t understand or see the good, there is always some good to be thankful for. Sometimes, we need to look for the good and recognize it, even in the toughest situations.
And sometimes, like Yosef, or like the Pilgrims in 16whatever, we have to go through some difficult times to be able to really appreciate the good in life.
It’s something to keep in mind.
Like my (Canadian-born) friend Bracha said last night at our Thanksgiving soiree, just like every day should be Mother’s Day, every day should be Thanksgiving.
Wishing all my American friends happy Thanksgiving, and all my non-American friends happy giving thanks!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Three Fs: Family, Friends, and Facebook
I have several friends, acquaintances, and family members who refuse to join Facebook (or any other social networking site). Others are on, but seldom sign in. They all say that they don’t have time to waste on such nonsense. One person said that she doesn’t have enough time to stay in touch with the people in the real world, never mind in cyberspace. Another told me that she does not want her private life and thoughts splashed all over the net.
I say hooey!
I love Facebook. I don’t play the millions of games it offers. I seldom take any of their quizzes (though I did take “which Canadian city suits you best—and ended up with Toronto even though I deliberately answered so the results would come out to Winnipeg—I think these quizzes are rigged).
What I do do on FB is look up old friends and relatives with whom I have lost touch, and in some cases were never in touch. I’ve had much success. I have found old classmates from high school I haven’t seen or heard from in 30 years. I’ve rediscovered college mates from Bar Ilan University who left Israel and lost touch. I’m now in contact with relatives, close and more distant, and we share news and pictures of our families, though, geographically, we are all so far apart. In addition, Facebook has allowed me to get to know some cousins who were either not yet born or were too young when I left Winnipeg, or who lived in a different city and I had never met.
The first high-school mate I found on Facebook, several years ago, told me that I had ‘set a record’ for being out of touch the longest and being the furthest away. I protested that I wasn’t out of touch – they were! I have since found several others, and they all seemed genuinely happy to hear from me, though our lives have taken such different paths. We’ve exchanged gossip, caught up with families, sent pictures.
I have one schoolmate friend who recently joined FB. I had actually been in touch with her off and on over the years. More off than on, to be honest. She gave me the names and emails of other friends, and now I’m in email touch with them too!
A college friend of mine whom I found, and lives in the US, invited me to his son’s Bar Mitzvah last summer at the Kotel. He had married another college friend. We had lost touch shortly after I moved to Beer Sheva 25 years ago. I traveled to Jerusalem that day with some trepidation, I must admit. I had aged, gained weight, and looked a bit older than my 21 years. What would they think of me? But I was excited to see them. At the Bar Mitzvah was yet another friend; – also on FB – who lives in Ra’anana. I hadn’t seen him since his wedding 23 years before.
I made two discoveries that day. The first was that – surprise!! – all these other people had aged too. The second was that it didn’t matter how much time had passed. The 27 years since we were last together faded away. We joked, we shared info on other college friends, we talked. There was no awkwardness, no embarrassment, no lack of what to say to each other. And my friends, I am happy to report, felt just as comfortable making fun of my height – or more precisely, lack of it – as they did 27 years ago.
And more. This year, those friends’ daughter is spending a year in Israel. We’ve just hosted her for Shabbat. I told her that I and her parents had been family, when none of us had family in Israel, and that by extension she could feel that she was now family, too. I was delighted and grateful to pay forward to the next generation a little of what I received back then.
So I say to all those who denigrate Facebook: Like most things in life, it is what you make out of it. I believe that no one can have too many friends or too much family (unless you have to wash their dishes or do their laundry – fortunately FB doesn’t have that technology yet).
I’m happy that the word friend has become a verb. (“Hey, you know who friended me today? My old roommate’s second cousin. Now I have 675 friends.”) You can’t say friend enough times.
I’m glad that the opposite of the word like is no longer dislike, but unlike. You no longer actively dislike something; you simply have stopped liking it. Much more positive.
And Toronto is a nicer city than Winnipeg.